Saturday, March 1, 2014

The last few weeks Terry has been very quiet.  He's had trouble speaking and gets frustrated with trying.  Almost every night I tell him, when he's trying to talk, it's ok and he'll probably be able to talk tomorrow.

Well, this morning he started talking again!  One of the first things he did was lift both arms up in the air. (He was lying on his back in bed)  I thought he was going to join his hands together and was having trouble doing so.  I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I lost it." When I asked what he said, "my watch"!  I assured him he hadn't lost it and showed him where it was. 

In a couple of minutes he said, "I'm getting better."  

He talked all morning!   ...and then this afternoon he couldn't...

Well, that's ok, because tomorrow he just might start again.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Still taking it one day at a time...

Wish you all could see Terry day to day as I do.  He's such a joy to be with!  Sometimes it's hard to remember the strong man that he used to be...

I've come to appreciate the simplicity of our lives and the sweet innocence that I see in him.  Every word he speaks, every expression he makes, his every movement brings us joy.  You'd hear a lot of "awww's" around here. 

Well, to recap, a lot has happened in the last year. (can't believe it's been so long since I posted!)

But not to go back through the entire time, I'll just start with the summer.  We took a weekend trip to Georgia for the Shelton family reunion.  It was great to see cousins, aunts and uncles again!  And I so wish more of them had been there. 

While we were there Terry's Aunt Ann was placed in Hospice.  We hadn't planned to go to the Carolina's but we were so close I felt we had to go see her.  And I'm so glad we did.  I was able to spend just about 10 minutes with her...just enough time to tell her how much Terry and I loved her and appreciated her, and give her a kiss.  She was so important to me as a young woman, such a wonderful example of a Christian wife and mother.  Our family refers to her as "a gracious southern Lady"...because she was.

Well, we stayed in the Carolina's for about 2 months before returning home to 2 months of construction on our house!

We finally had the bathroom remodeled for Terry, as well as a door here and there, easier entrances, a wider driveway, etc.  Terry and I shared space with the Christmas tree!  (We moved our bedroom into the living room.) I liked being near the fireplace! Hmmm maybe the next construction will be a fireplace in our room.

We've had enough snow and ice; and cold rain.  We're looking forward to Spring!  Flowers, warm weather, warm breezes, gentle rains, lots of sunshine!  In fact, I believe we'll enjoy the whole week of spring before the Texas heat hits us!!!

My sister, Theresa, started a blog this week. Check it out!  Rediscovering Me!